A Lifetime of Shredding — Time to Give Thanks

Who thinks about their life’s work in a deep way?

As a leader in the shredding industry and, more specifically, UltraShred Technologies Inc since 2000, I wanted to take a few minutes to reach out with thanks and best wishes to my clients, vendors, industry colleagues, and most especially, my work family, my beloved home family, neighbors, and friends.

Our gratefulness extends to our suppliers and service professionals who are the wind beneath our wings. Our company would not be able to soar without their TLC.

Gratitude and appreciation also go out to our colleagues, mentors, industry friends and professionals who have walked with us on this crazy, winding, sometimes uncertain path that small business owners walk. Your wisdom and advice constantly amazes us and assists us in solving problems and achieving the goals we set for ourselves.

Finally, a word of special thanks to my husband, Walt Meier, VP of Operations, who has always always been there for me, our family and the company. There is no measure of all the good he has done and continues to do in support of all of us at UltraShred Technologies.

Here is praying for a wonderful and peaceful holiday for each one of you. I count you among my blessings this day and wish you and yours a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!


Best Regards,


November 22, 2023

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