HIPAA-Compliant Shredding Services for Florida and Georgia

Tobi and Steve Innerfield of Ultrashred Technologies

FACTA. FERPA. HIPAA. GLB. Sarbanes-Oxley. So many laws to keep track of!

UltraShred Technologies is able to help your company’s compliance to the many laws and regulations regarding information privacy and governance. We maintain the highest level certifications in the secure shredding industry in order to assure your business compliance and the secure disposal of your information:

Compliance is a serious concern, with more companies than ever legally mandated to protect information. This is a serious issue which deserves a deeper conversation than some bullet points on a website.

NAID accredits information protection consultants through a rigorous testing process to become a Certified Secure Destruction Specialist (CSDS). A huge part of the CSDS examination is dedicated to compliance concerns and all of the newest laws. You may not be an expert on every data-security law that applies to you, but we are.

Data breaches are enormously expensive, both in public opinion and in real dollars spent. A good information disposal program can be the cheapest “insurance” you can buy against a breach!

For more information on HIPAA and other Compliance Mandates, please call us at 877-621-1234 for a confidential and no-obligation discussion about your data destruction requirements.

UltraShred Technologies provides onsite, secure paper shredding and destruction services from its headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida to clients in Northern Florida, the Panhandle, and Southern and Central Georgia.

For more information about our shredding services, or to receive a free quote, please contact us by phone or complete the form on this page.

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Image provided by Margaret Meier

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