Medical Records Shredding Services

Medical Record Shredding

Shredding Is Not Enough for HIPAA-Regulated Entities

You Need Documented and Compliant Shredding!

  • We provide a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) for your practice. If you don’t know what a BAA is, call us at 904-928-0200, because Federal law says you are required to have one!
  • Fully-compliant Certificates of Destruction. From a compliance standpoint, your HIPAA paperwork is just as important as the actual shredding.
  • Legally, it does not make a difference whether you shred on-site or off-site, or whether you hire a service or self-perform. However, the law DOES require very specific documentation and assurances of confidentiality. Most organizations who do their own shredding have difficulty meeting these standards.
  • Free “community” shredding is not HIPAA compliant because you do not receive the required documentation to prove your compliance.
  • We understand the destruction requirements embedded in HIPAA and HITECH. Our service is 100% HIPAA compliant!

Would you like free compliant locking shredding containers for your office, free staff training, and free HIPAA compliant Document Disposal Policy templates? Call us at 904-928-0200 or complete the form on this page to schedule a completely free consultation with no obligation.

HIPAA Requires You to Shred More Than Just Patient Files

If you don’t 100% understand what else you are required to destroy, that could be a very expensive fine! HIPAA recognizes 18 different types of patient identifiers which must be destroyed if recorded in any format—even a post-it note or phone message slip.

UltraShred Technologies provides on-site, secure, medical paper shredding and destruction services from its headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida to clients in Northern Florida, the Panhandle, and Southern and Central Georgia.

For more information about our shredding services, or to receive a free quote, please contact us by phone or complete the form on this page.

More about Medical Shredding

If you are regulated by HIPAA, your world changed when the HITECH Amendment became law…and you may not even know it! The maximum fine for improper records disposal increased by 1,000%! There is a new “Willful Non-Compliance” category which carries mandatory fines. HIPAA enforcement has now been extended to the state level, with state Attorney General’s empowered to prosecute HIPAA violations even if the Federal Government does not. Recently, there was a case where the New Jersey State AG levied over $200,000 in fines against a Georgia company operating in New Jersey—and permanently barred them from operating in New Jersey—because of a HIPAA violation!

If you have any questions about whether your records disposal practices are HIPAA compliant, please call us and we will be happy to visit you for a free and no-obligation consultation. We have all of the required paperwork, process, and training materials required for you to be able to prove your efforts to stay in compliance.

For us, shredding is not just some “sideline” or “value-added service.” Your data security and compliance is our ONLY business!

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with a Better Shredder

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Image provided by Margaret Meier

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